Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Tuesday Ten: How to Really Spoil Your True Love

Can we stand another holiday-themed blog? I've read a lot, but there's always room for one more. Sure it’s a Tuesday Twelve, instead of our usual ten, but it’s in keeping with our Twelve Days of Christmas theme, so bear with me! (And you thought it would be another cowboy blog!)

Did you know 2007 was the priciest Christmas ever – that is, if you wanted to spoil your true love with an authentic Twelve Days of Christmas! This year it would set you back $78,100 for all 364 items, a four percent increase over 2006.

The breakdown, for those of you ready to pull out your checkbook, is as follows:

* One partridge in a pear tree 164.99

Partridge 15.00
Pear Tree 149.99

* Two Turtle Doves 40.00

*Three French Hens 45.00

* Four Calling Birds 599.96

* Five Golden Rings 395.00

*Six Geese A Laying 360.00

*Seven Swans A Swimming 4,200.00

*Eight Maids A Milking 46.80

*Nine Ladies Dancing 4,759.19

*Ten Lords A Leaping 4,285.06

*Eleven Pipers Piping 2,213.40

*Twelve Drummers Drumming 2,397.85

Total Cost $78,100

Source: http://www.pncchristmaspriceindex.com/pressRelease.htm


  1. Can I pick what my ten lords a leaping look like? I'm thinking George Clooney, Brad Pitt, A younger version of Robert Redford, Gerard Butler, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Hugh Jackman. . . .it's early. Anyone have people to add?

  2. Anonymous8:37 AM

    * Five Golden Rings 395.00

    Just curious: How many karots?

    As for leaping lords, Dee, you've got Orlando, I'm good. But how about Val Kilmer. A slimmer version that is. And Robert Downey Jr as I've seen him in pictures of Iron Man.

  3. I loved Val Kilmer in Tombstone. He made the whole show!

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Dee, we've got NINE! BTW, loved Val in Tombstone.

  5. Anonymous6:12 PM

    How about Clive Owen? He made a great Arthur.

  6. Oh yeah, Clive! Definitely add him to our lords a leaping--gotta love those big green eyes. . . .


    Besides he's only a few years younger than me, so I don't feel quite so skeevie.

  7. Well I'm really upset (I didn't even get down far enough to think about the leaping lords).

    What do you mean eight maids a milking are only worth $46.80, while nine ladies dancing total a whopping $4,285.06? The nine ladies dancing are even more than the ten lords (albeit before we chose who those lords were--methinks their price might have gone up)

    So, are you suggesting these nine ladies were LAP dancing? What other kind of dancing could they be doing that would explain the enormous pricetag?

