Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Susan's Update to New Year's Goals

I thought I'd post a follow-up on how I've done so far with the New Year's goals I posted to this blog. I won't call them resolutions, because I'm not making changes, just moving forward.

1) I finished my self-revisions of Erin's Rebel and sent a partial to Medallion Press in early January. While waiting to hear back from them, I'm running chapters by my critique group. My critique partners always find things that I miss and I'm very grateful to them. I have a book on self-editing that I plan to re-read, so I can go over the later chapters again by myself, in case I get a request for a full. I wouldn't want to keep the publisher waiting too long.

2) I finished the revisions to my outline for Katie Rose. I plan to start writing the first draft by the start of next month.

3) I've entered two contests for Erin's Rebel since January. I plan to enter my RWA chapter, Hearts Through History's Romance Through the Ages contest in the paranormal/time travel category.

4) I've surpassed my blogging goals so far. I just posted the second installment of my "Women In the Ranks" series and have already written the third. I've also posted two blogs on the writing life to this blog and have kept up with my personal blog at on my life as a romance writer.

5) I've just begun world-building for my futuristic romance. I'm setting that story on an alien planet 300 years in the future. So, for now, I'm trying to build my planet.

I'd say the past few months have been very productive for me.

I love being a writer.


  1. Wow, Susan, I'm getting tired just reading about how busy you've been!

    Bravo for you -- keep up the great work!

  2. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Impressive, Susan. I was thinking this morning, while trying to wake up with the rain, that I should revisit my goals and see how far along I am with them. Your blog makes me think I shouldn't, only because I know I'm nowhere near as organized as you and looking at my lack-of-meeting-my-goals will only depress me. :)

  3. Getting organized was something I knew I had to do if I wanted to get anywhere with my writing.

    After reading bios of authors who have 3 published books and five or six coming out over the next two years, I decided this is the type of author I want to be.
